Gas, energia, ma anche infrastrutture e relazioni culturali. Per l'Azerbaijan i Balcani sono diventati negli ultimi anni una regione sempre più importante per investimenti economici e di politica estera, una vera e propria porta verso l'Europa. Una relazione, però, non esente da numerosi elementi controversi
Passenger train services are heavily subsidised in Greece, taking advantage of loopholes and delays allowed by EU law. A new memorandum signed by the government keeps state aid and TrainOSE’s monopoly in place, despite the fact that many routes are not operated and citizens are not happy with the service
Greece has a new center-right government since summer 2019. More and more controls and constraints are imposed on asylum seekers: the government claims that the system will become more efficient, but some organisations are unconvinced
More than 100,000 migrants and refugees are still present in Greece. Many of them live in refugee camps, which are not appropriate accommodation solutions because of their location in faraway, poory connected areas